Full details of the fee arrangements, any potential conflict of interest and the scope of services can be obtained from the Capital Raising Advisor upon request. A brief summary of these arrangements and conflicts are provided below.

Sogne Strategies AS (referred to as the "Capital Raising Advisor" or “Facilitator”) is appointed as a Capital Raising Advisor by Alternative Investment Managers, (referred to as the "Manager[s]" and collectively with its affiliates as the investment entities, for Alternative Investment Funds (referred to as the "Fund[s]"). The Capital Raising Advisor is not currently an investment advisory client of any of the investment entities, and as far as it knows, it is not an investor in any investment vehicle managed by an Investment Entity, including the Fund[s].

Under a contractual arrangement between the Manager and the Capital Raising Advisor, the Capital Raising Advisor is offering to facilitate introductions to potential investors in the Fund. In consideration for these services, the Capital Raising Advisor will receive (i) a retainer fee for rendered services and (ii) an amount up to an agreed percentage of an investor’s capital commitment to the Fund (referred to as the "Commitment Fee"). The obligation to pay the Commitment Fee is subject to conditions such as the direct investors' admission to the Fund and adherence to payment obligations outlined in their subscription agreement, among other conditions.

The cost incurred by an investor for any investment in the Fund is not affected by the Comittment Fee paid to the Capital Raising Advisor. This fee will be covered by an affiliate of the Manager.

Various potential and actual conflicts of interest may arise from the Capital Raising Advisor’s business activities and relationships with the Investment Entities, investors, and portfolio companies associated with the Investment Entities.

The Capital Raising Advisor has an economic incentive to encourage investors to commit capital to the Fund due to the Commitment Fee. This creates a substantial conflict of interest.

The Capital Raising Advisor and/or its affiliates may provide various services in the future to the Investment Entities, their affiliates, investors, and portfolio companies. These services may include consulting, advisory, valuation, asset management, and other services. Ongoing relationships are anticipated in connection with these services. Additionally, the Investment Entities may offer the Capital Raising Advisor and/or its affiliates opportunities to invest in Investment Entities (including the Fund) and/or portfolio companies, potentially on more favorable terms than other investors. The Capital Raising Advisor and its affiliates are permitted to sell such securities at any time, subject to applicable restrictions.

The Capital Raising Advisor and its personnel may invest in portfolio companies or other entities that have interests different from or adverse to the Fund or other Investment Entities and their portfolio companies.

The Capital Raising Advisor and its affiliates, officers, employees, shareholders, or agents are not officers, employees, members or partners of the Manager, the General Partner, or their respective affiliates or the Fund, and should not be regarded as such.