Sogne Strategies Creates an Alliance with EDHECinfra
Sogne Strategies are pleased to announce an alliance with EDHECinfra. We cannot underline enough the importance of EDHECinfra’s pioneering work to understand the characteristics of infrastructure as an asset class. Created in 2015, EDHECinfra is an independent research organisation delivering unique index data and analytics measuring performance of unlisted (private) infrastructure investments. Under the research lead of EDHECinfra Director, Dr Frédéric Blanc-Brude (PhD, Kings College London), he and the EDHEC team has done some painstaking work to collect, clean and analyse private infrastructure investment data resulting in the largest database of infrastructure investment data in the world today: a global repository of financial knowledge built to be representative of the investable market each year, going back 20 years. With a clear understanding of the representativity of reported returns and of their covariance, EDHECinfra exists to answer the most important question about the asset class: What is the risk-adjusted performance of private infrastructure debt or equity?